Forum Discussion

lcpWidgit's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 06, 2014

Proxy Setting for Image Update Check



I have tried adding the proxy setting to the:


  • services.ini
  • Database
    • tmsh modify sys db value hostname
    • tmsh modify sys db proxy.port value port_number

But it still try to go direct for the software update check.


Any ideas where I should be adding it?


  • R_Eastman_13667's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Here is an F5 article:

    Allowing automatic updates through a firewall

    If the BIG-IP system is behind a firewall, you should allow access for the following F5 host servers, DNS servers, and ports, so that the system can complete the update tasks:

    Host servers port 443 port 443
    DNS servers
        The firewall should allow port 53 access for the DNS name servers configured for use by the BIG-IP system