Feb 12, 2012Nimbostratus
Procedure to change protocol of a LocalLB::VirtualServer
Hi Can somebody let me know what are the API to be called or the procedure to change the protocol of a LocalLB::VirtualServer. for example a standard type Virtual Server change the protocol from TCP to UDP.
If I just call 'LocalLB.VirtualServer.set_protocol' it complains that incompatible profiles.
If I do 'LocalLB.VirtualServer.remove_all_profiles' before changing the protocol still this error comes on changing the protocol. so i just listed the profiles I found below
profile_type = "PROFILE_TYPE_TCP"
profile_context = "PROFILE_CONTEXT_TYPE_ALL"
profile_name = "/Common/tcp"
Iam using pyControl & iControl apis with v11 device
So can somebody give me sample code to change the protocol of a virtual server(example TCP to UDP)