Forum Discussion

CANSTAYN569's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 31, 2016

Problemmatic 3900 Big-IP

Hi all,


I have a 3900 Big IP device that is stuck at boot level.


Whichever boot image i pick it is stuck with the same error.


  • root (hd1,0) *
  • kernel /vmlinuz.eud root=/dev/ram0 rw console=ttyS0 quiet *
  • initrd /initrd.img.eud *

root (hd1,0)


Error 21: Selected disk does not exist


Press any key to continue...


I have created two seperate usbs, one containing a bootable EUD image, the other containing 11.5.1 OS. The device seem to detect those usb's but it didn't boot from those . (Waited for like 5 mins, no signs of booting the os on USB.)


Is there any command to start the boot from usb, or formatting the disk, or examining the disk status in that bootloader command menu (CFE>) or the command line in boot selection menu?


Kind regards




  • If the USB device is bootable, it should automatically prefer that to loading grub from the hard disk.


    Make sure you're not using a huge device like 32gb that might not be supported by older 3900 hardware. I can't tell you exactly what it wouldn't support as I don't have that information readily available.


    How did you create the bootable USB device - did you follow SOL13164 ?


  • Hi,

    I have tried to install the OS manually, here is how it ended.

    bash (try 'info') / > image2disk --format=volumes --nosaveconfig --nosavelicense
    info: Expert mode enabled for non-TMOS context. s --nosaveconfig --nosavelicense
    info: Repository tm_install version/release is
    info: System tm_install version/release is
    info: Platform id is C106
    Warning: The partition table looks like it was made
      for C/H/S=*/255/63 (instead of 1023/240/62).
    For this listing I'll assume that geometry.
                    end: (c,h,s) expected (947,162,47) found (946,254,63)
    info: Transfer of configuration and transfer of license both disabled; installation of software only.
    info: Selected product requires a minimum of 1024 MiB of ram.
    info: Begin Install: BIG-IP 11.5.1 build 0.0.110 from /cdserver to , 
    warning: Open /etc/dhcp-params failed: No such file or directory
    Log file is /tmp/xTIjAHJoTP
    debug: /usr/sbin/image2disk: args=--format=volumes --nosaveconfig --nosavelicense
    debug: Erasing all disks.
    info: Removing all filesystems, volumes, and partitions on hda.
    info: Shutting down volume group for hda
    info: Erasing disk hda
    error: tm_install::Process::Process_default_init -- did not find any disks.
    debug: tm_install::DosPtable::DosPtable_get_all_devices -- current = 1
    debug: tm_install::Volume::Volume_open -- name=hda.dat.boot, nw=yes, rp=(none)
    **_error: requested volume hda.dat.boot does not exist_**
    Can't save log permanently; can't open boot volume
    Log saved to /tmp/install.log
    Terminal error: Platform initialization failed.
    • IanB's avatar
      Icon for Employee rankEmployee

      You probably have a partially failed hard drive that won't allow reads beyond the very beginning of the disk.


      Please open a support case with F5.


  • Yeah, i know, i am just trying to be sure if its reaaly dead! Thanks anyway.