Forum Discussion

Domel_163525's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 08, 2015

Problem with exchange_2010_2013_cas.v1.5.1 iApp

Hi guys,


I'm currently working on migration of BIG-IP 3900 to a brand new vCMP hosted on BIG-IP 7250.


On the old (BIG-IP 3900) we have iApp exchange_2010_2013_cas.v1.4.0 deployed which works perfectly fine.


I would like to deploy a newer version of the same iApp on the new box (BIG-IP 7250).


New Virtual Server will have an IP address from the same subnet/vlan as the old one and will be pointed to the same CAS - pool members. I will be using different self IPs etc.


Both F5 appliances share the same VLANs (Internal, External and Exchange) but all IPs are different - no IP conflicts.


The question which I have is - can the deployment of the new iApp on the new BIG-IP affect somehow the current setup without changing DNSes and autodiscovery IP addresses?