Forum Discussion

Christian_Moisa's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Jul 10, 2019

Problem with a CLI prompt when trying to show running-configuration

Hello! I am having a problem with two of our F5s when I try to save the configuration with Solarwinds. Somehow they are prompting for confirmation when the "show running-configuration all-properties" is entered. This causes Solarwinds to wait and eventually time our. The problem doesn't happen on my other F5s. I looked at the parameters for the accounts used by Solarwinds and they are identical. Is there a CLI setting I might have overlooked, maybe?


Thank you!

  • Found the solution. I had to do modify cli preference pager disabled display-threshold 0 and modify cli preference pager disabled

    Once I did that, I was able to download the config through Solarwinds!


    Thanks for the help.


  • This usually happens when your control/data plane usage (cpu) is overloaded.

    I recommend you to check your cpu usage an also check what process is consuming more. Use this command.

    ​# top (use "1" to expand individual cpu usage)



  • Sorry, this command doesn't work. Also, I don't think it's a CPU load issue, this F5 is pratically asleep.

  • Sorry again, I logged in as root instead of the account that has the trouble and TOP worked. As I tought, the most CPU-hungry process was using 20%.

    • Dario_Garrido's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP

      Then it seems you are facing an bug. I think maybe this probably fits. Check your release.

      There are other related bugs but I don't think they are more suitable than the previous one. Check them anyway.

      Also, If I were you I would start rebooting the device. Let me know if this helps.



  • Found the solution. I had to do modify cli preference pager disabled display-threshold 0 and modify cli preference pager disabled

    Once I did that, I was able to download the config through Solarwinds!


    Thanks for the help.