Forum Discussion

petras123_10972's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 11, 2012

Pre-set Username on logonpage APM

Hi all,


how can I pre-set username textbox on logon page of APM module? I need use a username from client's SSL cert. and put it into locked username textbox on logon pade. If I set session varible "session.logon.last.username" then the textbox is still empty.


Do you have any idea please. THX
  • I'm sorry it was my mistake.


    It is easy.


    The only one condition have to be meet. The text box have to be switched to readonly.
  • I'm sorry it was my mistake.


    It is easy.


    The only one condition have to be meet. The text box have to be switched to readonly.
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Keep in mind that a malicious user could easily change the value of the disabled field using an interception proxy. It would probably be more secure to parse the username from the cert and store that in an APM session variable instead of taking it from the user's request.


