Powershell: Invoke-RESTmethod on /mgmt/tm/sys/ucs (403) Forbidden error
I'm fairly experienced with Powershell and have used the Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet, and vendor documentation, to automate some things before. I've just inherited management of an HA pair of F5 BIG-IPs. We're not in a position to get BIG-IQ right now, and from looking at notes the previous admin was just logging in and manually creating a UCS archive and downloading it on the weekly.
Of course my first thought was that I could automate this. I was able to successfully authenticate against one of the appliances with Invoke-RestMethod and do an HTTP GET to retrieve a list of current UCS files present. However, when I change the method to POST and add in the appropraite Body parameters (in JSON) I get a 403 forbidden error:
{"code":403,"message":"Operation is not allowed on component /sys/ucs.","errorStack":[],"apiError":1}
the documentation here seems to allude that this should be possible:
Here's more or less what I'm working with so far:
$uri = "/mgmt/tm/sys/ucs"
$BigIP = ""
$link = "https://$BigIP$uri"
$headers = @{}
$headers.Add("ServerHost", $Bigip)
$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$Body = @{
Name = "/var/local/ucs/test_ucs.ucs"
Command = "save"
$mycreds = Get-Credential
$obj = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Headers $headers -Body ($Body | ConvertTo-Json) -Uri $link -Credential $mycreds