Forum Discussion

James_123402's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 19, 2013

portal uri connection reset while webpage loading

Big Ip 11.4.1 full webtop with portals published to webtop. All internal websites are behind a proxy server so in the advanced settings of the portal I entered the proxy server IP address and port. I configured DNS because initially I was seeing an ACL / DNS error page in the browser when I attempted to access the rewrite portal resources from the webtop. I am know seeing connection reset while webpage downloading in the client browser. TCP dumps on the interface on the f5 facing the internal web proxy show that the http requests never go out to the proxy server. In the client browser address bar I see the f5 address with a random string and then the portal uri without the hostname. Has anyone seen this before? I am sure I am missing something in my configuration just not sure what. I don't see anything in the ltm apm or tmm logs to indicate what the problem is.


  • It will be helpfull for our analysis, if you brief your network architecture little more Whether your F5 is a single arm or dual? If single, you may need to enable "auto snat" or policy based snat based upon your requirement.


  • F5 is a dual arm setup. Clients connect on a lowside interface. For now the DNS machine is also hanging off the lowside. The sole connection on the highside is to the proxy server in front of all websites. I don't think it is a network issue as much as an apm config issue.


    • James_123402's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      This was an apm config issue. Portal resources are required (this was not obvious to me although I did add them prior to speaking with F5) and must be configured in a very specific way to allow access to the desired URIs. It would be useful to know where logging happens for this particular problem so that more precise configuration can be possible. The F5 rep that I spoke with recommended starting with the base of the path and using asterisks (wildcards) to ensure that the full path was available.
    • alex100_194614's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      James, I am facing an issue very similar to yours. By any chance do you know what exactly was wrong with APM configuration?