Forum Discussion

Aniket_G_182203's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 20, 2015

Pool member has been marked down by a monitor

Hi I am new to F5..Trying to learn. During configuration I found following problem, "Pool member has been marked down by a monitor". What does it mean? problem in monitor profile?


  • it's not necessarily a problem with the F5 - this message indicates that the pool member is currently failing the assigned monitor. If the monitor assigned to the pool is, for example, a TCP monitor, then the F5 is unable to connect to the pool member on the pool member's associated TCP port.


  • it's not necessarily a problem with the F5 - this message indicates that the pool member is currently failing the assigned monitor. If the monitor assigned to the pool is, for example, a TCP monitor, then the F5 is unable to connect to the pool member on the pool member's associated TCP port.


    • shaggy_121467's avatar
      Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus
      it depends on the type of server/service that you are monitoring. if the pool member is hosting an HTTPS site to which the F5 is forwarding traffic, then it should be an HTTPS monitor. Check out:
  • shaggy's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    it's not necessarily a problem with the F5 - this message indicates that the pool member is currently failing the assigned monitor. If the monitor assigned to the pool is, for example, a TCP monitor, then the F5 is unable to connect to the pool member on the pool member's associated TCP port.


    • shaggy's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      it depends on the type of server/service that you are monitoring. if the pool member is hosting an HTTPS site to which the F5 is forwarding traffic, then it should be an HTTPS monitor. Check out: