Forum Discussion

Brumik's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 10, 2021

Pinging SNAT Address

I am running bigip VE edition and configured a standard SNAT pool and attached to a virtual server.


ltm snat-translation /Common/ {


  inherited-traffic-group true

  traffic-group /Common/traffic-group-1


ltm snatpool /Common/VSERVER_TEST {

  members {





The webserver is up and running and the virtual server is available.


However from the webserver I cannot ping, but the ARP does resolve:


/ # arp -an

? ( at 0c:6e:a5:be:62:03 [ether] on eth0

? ( at 0c:6e:a5:be:62:03 [ether] on eth0

? ( at 0c:6e:a5:be:62:03 [ether] on eth0


.1 and .3 are pingable.


According to this article the SNAT is supposed to respond to ICMP, does anyone know if this is actually the case or has the behavior been changed between versions or is there any specific settings to enable this?


Thanks in advance.






  • Is there a firewall between server and F5? ICMP might be blocked there. If this isn't a case, run tcpdump on F5 and see if traffic reaches there. ​

  • Brumik's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Hello Sanjay,

    There is no firewall, the ping request arrives to the F5 but is not answered. Webserver is directly connected to the F5 via a switch.

    Environment is in GNS3 but I dont think this makes a difference. I posted complete config below.



    ltm virtual /Common/http_vserver {

      creation-time 2020-08-18:09:05:39

      destination /Common/

      ip-protocol tcp

      last-modified-time 2021-06-10:18:56:19


      pool /Common/http_pool

      profiles {

        /Common/fastL4 { }

        /Common/http { }


      rules {



      source-address-translation {

        pool /Common/test_vs

        type snat


      translate-address enabled

      translate-port enabled

      vlans {






    ltm snat-translation /Common/ {


      inherited-traffic-group true

      traffic-group /Common/traffic-group-1


    ltm snatpool /Common/test_vs {

      members {


