Forum Discussion

ian13550_174030's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 11, 2014

PingFederate & F5?

I came across this information on the F5 website and was interested in finding out how this was accomplished:


Is this done via a specific iRule provided by F5? Is an iRule the only way to accomplish this type of session integration? Or is there a F5 APM SDK or API that would allow this type of integration with F5 APM from within PingFederate or another Java Application? I’m extremely new to F5 but it seems to me that this requires the integration to be done directly on the F5 device. Can anyone confirm/elaborate?




  • F5 BIG-IP APM v11.3.0 and higher supports SAML 2.0, which can be used to federate with PingFederate.