Forum Discussion

gulerayh_384442's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 22, 2019

Persistence Types are not Available



I was trying to configure persistence profile using HTTP Cookie Insert method. But I don't have cookie option on F5 LTM, only have Source Address Affinity available. Check the screenshot below;



I tried to check to see if this is related with the hardware we are using or FW version ( but couldn't find any information to confirm.


Can anyone help about this, or had the same experience before?


Thank you! Ayhan


20 Replies

  • Go to Local Traffic >> Profiles >> Cookie and see default cookie persistence is available. That is default one and no one can delete that persistence.


    If it is there try to restart below services and let me know the status.


    tmsh restart /sys service httpd


    tmsh restart /sys service tomcat


    • Michael_Saleem1's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Great, thanks for confirming.


      I am glad you were able to identify the root issue.


    • gulerayh_384442's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Michael,


      Thank you for the information. You are right we only have APM license but not LTM. Here is the info from F5;



  • Go to Local Traffic >> Profiles >> Cookie and see default cookie persistence is available. That is default one and no one can delete that persistence.


    If it is there try to restart below services and let me know the status.


    tmsh restart /sys service httpd


    tmsh restart /sys service tomcat


    • Michael_Saleem1's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Great, thanks for confirming.


      I am glad you were able to identify the root issue.


    • gulerayh_384442's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Michael,


      Thank you for the information. You are right we only have APM license but not LTM. Here is the info from F5;