Forum Discussion

mraful_64014's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 23, 2013


I have been working with the Perl LtmConfigToXml script but I get a 401 F5 Authorization Required. It seems like it is not even trying to authenticate.




  • I assume you've entered at username and password at the CLI and the IP you've specified is the management interface of the F5?
  • If you are getting a 401 error, that means the credentials are not being sent correctly in the Authentication header. Can you modify the script to print out the values of $User and $Pass before they are applied to the SOAP::Lite get_basic_credentials() method near the top of the script? They should print out what you passed in on the command line.
  • Thanks. I don't know what I did but now it is authenticating. Would it make any difference if the login had to go to a radius server?
  • Could be. If the auth fails, the 401 will be returned regardless of whether it is local or remote authentication. Glad it's working now...
  • Joe...thought I'd take my chances that you'll see this and I can get another question in... I know the F5 does dynamic load balancing based on SNMP, etc. However, do you of any way from the F5 to query JMX on a Tomcat server to get info and make a decision.
  • You can definitely create custom monitors on the BIG-IP. You'll have to write the code yourself and be able to understand the communication between your monitor and the Tomcat server. Check out the BIG-IP admin guide and look for custom monitors. There are also some code share entries in the Advanced Design & Config wiki at