Forum Discussion

dragonflymr's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
May 22, 2017

Per-Request policy Proxy Select and HTTPS



I can't see any info about limitation for Proxy Select object in Per-Request Policy (PRP) to only http traffic.


It's working without issue for http request and pass them to upstream proxy.


For https requests (with SSL Bypass Set before Proxy Select) Connection is never reaching upstream proxy.


Instead in PRP log I have entry:


Common/explicit_proxy_policy:Common:642030b8: Executed agent (/Common/explicit_complete_bypass_act_proxy_select_ag) failed with reason (UNKNOWN)


Any idea why?




  • Hi,  I have a pretty similar issue, could you please share your experience in solving it?

  • Hi,

    Sorry, it was long time ago and if I can recall never found solution for that.
