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Hank_Moody_3649's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 08, 2019

Password must be changed + wrong stored pw issue - iApp Exchange 2016 OWA

Hello together,


we have discovered 2 new issues since we deployed the iApp Exchange 2016 on our BIG-IP. We are using APM. Our policy for OWA access looks like this: Logon Page --> AD Auth --> AD Query --> SSO Credential Mapping


1st issue: When users have to change their passwords, OWA gives the needed forms to change it (like enter old pw, enter new one and re-enter new password). After changing the password OWA trys to SSO to the mailbox. At this point it fails and we get the "Wrong credentials". I think it happens because the new password isn't processed that fast. So the SSO will fail because it has still the old password stored or something like that.


2nd issue: When you successfully changed your password on OWA and the browser asks "You want to save the password/You want to update old password" And you hit YES and go to your browser stored password you will see that F5 OWA Site saved "f5-sso-token" as the password. Which causes that users, which have their credentials saved, receive "wrong credentials" message. Because in the password form is "f5-sso-token".


I read about that already on the comment of Seth Cooper here: DevCentral BigIQ SSO


Did you guys heard about any solution? Our customers (more than 4000+) are not IT specialists. And theyre unsatisfied with that problems.


Thanks for every helpful answer!


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