Forum Discussion

sandy16's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Aug 04, 2012

Partitions and route domains?

Hi, I am implementing route domains in our environment on 2 x 1600 ltm in an active/standby pair. I am planning to use different route domains in the same "common" partition instead of creating different partition for each route domain. Reason being as this is not a multi-tenancy setup and i do not need to provide different access roles, priviliges to different partitions.



Can anyone please let me know if there are any issues for this type of design? Will I face any issues in the long run in terms of failover?


6 Replies

  • Have you had a read of




    search - The default route domain for partition Common






    search - Additional route domain considerations



    as long as you plan out your traffic profile/considerarions correctly, I would assume not.


  • Hi sandevsingh ,


    Did you implement this as you stated in your post ??


    Any issues you faced .


    I am planning for same type of setup.




    • sandy16's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
      Hi Struggler, we did not go with this design. In my opinion, only use route domains/RD if you have overlapping ip addresses. (In case of multi-tenancy setup). When I was trying to implement this, I found out that you can have only 1 RD per partition. There is a one-to-one relationship between a RD and a partition. So we decided to skip this altogether, just to make things simple.
    • AjayPra_161698's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Ok Thanks for your feedback.. i am planning to create 3 route domains in common partition . I will have single HA vlan between two LTM pair in default route-domain 0. I will create three traffic-groups and bind those with respective route-domains . Regards
    • AjayPra_161698's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      It may be the version issue . I have seen posts here in Devcentral where people created multiple route domains in common partition
  • Following is the note in the documentation:


    If you want to segment traffic into multiple route domains, you can create additional route domains in partition Common and then segment application traffic among those route domains.