Forum Discussion

felix001_29321's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 17, 2014

Overwrite Configuration Sync Option in v11

Does anyone know what the Overright Configuration option within v11 in the syn options does ? Or how does it sync (work) without this feature... ?




  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    I think of it just as a force configsync. You may get a situation where both appliances appear to have had changes made to their config. Without using Force then you won't be able to sync from one device to another if the peer appliance had a change after the from device. If you were sure you wanted the config pushed to the peer then, in this case, you'd need to select Force.


    I also understand you may need to use Force if it appears that one big-ip doesn't think it has been synced, when the other one reports it has. There's a SOL on askf5 about this.


    Hope this helps,




  • I find the verbage/method of syncing version 11 devices extremely confusing. I will not sync the silly things without first doing a ucs on all units. Been burned too many times.


  • I tried this in my VE 11.4.1 environment.


    in GUI, you can "overwrite" newer configuration from an older version.


    BUT there is no "overwrite" in tmsh.. there is no "overwrite" option in "run /cm config-sync to-group XXX" command.


    the monitor session did show below message: looks like it is in a "force-mode".


    run /cm sniff-updates


    Listening for commit_id_update on -i internal:h port 6699 (^C to exit)


    [19:56:43] (v11.4.1) -> ltm-lab-grp01: UPDATE CID 108.0 ( at 19:46:04 FORCE_SYNC


    However, Both units still not in sync. I ends up using the GUI and check the "over-write" feature to force the older configuration sync to the group.


    From the SOL114856: Ver 11.2.x and above, you should be able to "over-write" configuration from older version.BUT it seems not working?!?! see link:




    Antien Ho