Forum Discussion

Krishna_R's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 20, 2015

ORACLE AGILE PLM logging out issue

Dear team,


We have Agile and PLM setup for SSO and NON SSO users. SSO is listening on Port 80 reaching the backend server port on 7777 (which is actually a file manager) However, for NON SSO, the listening port is 7001 and the backend server port is 7011.


We have cookie persistence enabled with Always send cookie enabled keeping rest of them as same.


Problem: We are able to log in to the environment and attach the file then upload it. However, when the file is transferred or uploaded its coming back to original screen. Which is an application page.


We are not sure where exactly its happening and would highly appreciate if anyone can help.


  • Hi Krishna, Did you find any solution for this issue? We are facing the same issue in our current company. It would be helpful for us if you could tell how you resolved this issue.