Forum Discussion

Jason_40769's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 30, 2012

no-cache Irule

We are wanting to force caching and set the maxage via an irule except on a certain link. We tried this rule but it doesnt seem to work ALL the time. Thoughts?





DEFAULT cache value for all pages


set cache_value "public, max-age=300"




center should not be cached


if { [HTTP::uri] contains "/center" } {


set cache_value "private, no-cache"








HTTP::header replace Cache-control $cache_value





  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Jason,



    That iRule looks fine. When you say it doesn't work all of the time what do you mean? Are you seeing some responses without the Cache-Control header set? If so, do you have fast cache or Web Accelerator enabled on the virtual server?



  • what happens is we see the "private" insert coming through most of the time but we also see a S-Cache tag through as well... which is strange.