Forum Discussion

RyanF5_169352's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 08, 2016

New webpage URI redirect or rewrite

My company launched our new webpage last night and we're seeing error pages because google hasn't flushed the old site yet. Is it possible to set up a redirect, or a rewrite that would look something like


if /top-navigation/cad-models.aspx redirect or rewrite to /top-navigation/cad-models.aspx/aaa? Excuse my use in example as I'm extremely new to F5. Thank you.


  • Hi,

    redirect is better than rewrite as this is the new uri.

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { [HTTP::path] equals "/top-navigation/cad-models.aspx"  {
            HTTP::respond 301 noserver Location "/top-navigation/cad-models.aspx/aaa?"