Forum Discussion

razar_173016's avatar
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Oct 07, 2014

Netapp c-mode cifs on ARX

Netapp cifs share assigned to ARX and exported. The share is visible in the ARX namespace but ALL Access is denied. Any ideas on how to remedy this would be appreciated. I would like to be able to add c-mode shares to ARX for "multi-volume-share" migrations off old 7-mode systems. The POC using the netapp simulator is not going so well.


Netapp 8.2 cluster mode simulator ARX code level V6.03.000.14792 SVM cifs joined to Active Directory domain. The cifs share policy on the Netapp SVM is wide open to "everyone". The cifs share is accessible normally via any windows system through the SVM namespace. There is an AD service account for the ARX.


I can add a 7mode share to the test volume on ARX.... when I add a c-mode share to the same volume it breaks the 7mode share via ARX also.


I've tried it sooo many different ways. I've also tried disabling smb2 on the c-dot share with no change.


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