Forum Discussion
Apr 10, 2012Nimbostratus
Name-Based Virtual Host iApp...
Hi there,
I'm trying to create an iApp template which will support Name Based virtual hosting as found in Apache...
I've created an iRule to handle the pool selection logic, which will look-...
Apr 10, 2012Historic F5 Account
Hello Gavin,
For processing tables - make sure you check out It provides a nice succinct method for iterating over an entire table. Another method that i've used before is called import_table which makes the table into a two dimensional array. As for creating pool and data-groups those should be tmsh::create/modify commands and should work very similar to how they do in TMSH.
tmsh::include "f5.ntr_utils_devcentral"
array set ips [tmsh::run_proc f5.ntr_utils_devcentral:import_table { $::basic__ips ary }]
set baseName ip_match_profile__$tmsh::app_name
set pBuffer ""
set nBuffer ""
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength ${::basic__ips}]} {incr i} {
if {$ips(invert__$i) == "Yes"} {
lappend nBuffer "$ips(network__$i)/$ips(netmask__$i) \{ data $baseName \}"
} else {
lappend pBuffer "$ips(network__$i)/$ips(netmask__$i) \{ data $baseName \}"
if { $pBuffer != "" } {
tmsh::create ltm data-group internal ${baseName}-p type ip records add \{ [join $pBuffer] \}
} else {
tmsh::create ltm data-group internal ${baseName}-p type ip
if { $nBuffer != "" } {
tmsh::create ltm data-group internal ${baseName}-n type ip records add \{ [join $nBuffer] \}
} else {
tmsh::create ltm data-group internal ${baseName}-n type ip
proc import_table { table_local type } {
set row_count 0
array set row_result {}
array set col_result {}
array set rowcol_result {}
foreach row ${table_local} {
set element_count 0
set names ""
foreach element [split $row "\n"] {
if { ($element_count > 0) && ($element_count < [expr [llength [split $row "\n"]] - 1])} {
if { [llength $element] > 1 } {
set value "[lindex $element 1]"
set column "[lindex $element 0]"
lappend ary_result "${column}__${row_count}"
lappend ary_result "${value}"
lappend comma_result "${column},${row_count}"
lappend comma_result "${value}"
lappend row_result($row_count) ${value}
lappend col_result($column) ${value}
lappend rowcol_result($row_count) "[list $column ${value}]"
lappend names $column
incr element_count
incr row_count
switch $type {
foreach row [array names row_result] {
lappend result $row
lappend result $row_result($row)
set final_result ${result}
foreach col [array names col_result] {
lappend result $col
lappend result $col_result($col)
set final_result ${result}
set final_result ${name}s
foreach row [array names rowcol_result] {
lappend result $row
lappend result $rowcol_result($row)
set final_result ${result}
set final_result $comma_result
set final_result $ary_result
set final_result $ary_result
return ${final_result}
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