Forum Discussion
Nov 12, 2010Nimbostratus
need irule help
I need help as I am new to irule
When user tries to go to
1.* ----------it should redirect to* --works all fine.
when HTTP...
Thanks All , but my target exactly is :
i have 2 pools ( each one has 2 proxies ) at my vs=
if the requesting client source ip x.x.x.0 or y.y.y.0& at the same time requesing one of the above sites >>>>>> forward to pool one ( sothat the proxy group1 can serve the request )
if the requesting client source ip x1.x1.x1.0 or y1.y1.y1.0 & at the same time requesing one of the above sites >>>>>> forward to pool two ( sothat the proxy group2 can serve the request )
if not of the above , i don't need to forward to proxies at all , i need to forward to my GW router to the internet directly