Forum Discussion

Zach_C_355943's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 25, 2018

Multiple DNS Views?

Hi, in our environment we have bind (tcp/udp port 53) behind an L4 virtual server on big-ip ltm virtual edition. "Views" define where the DNS traffic should be going - is there an easy and effective way to maintain source information while routing to the backend servers in our pool? Are we able to have multiple DNS views to accommodate for the different client request sources?




Is there a better way to handle this, such as with irules, snat pools, etc?




1 Reply

  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    The most simple and straightforward way is to have your DNS servers use your BIG-IP device (a VIP address on it) as the default gateway.


    Alternatively, depending on the source address requirement for the DNS views, you can use dedicated SNAT addresses for a particular network as a work-around, by an irule.