Forum Discussion
Support has identified another method for me to dump the contents of a Signature Set.
curl -sk -u admin:git3Rdone -H "Content-Type: application/json" "\$filter=name+eq+Fireye-Mitigation&\$select=signatureReferences" | jq -r '.items[]'
This works well, however when I try to dump the contents of a signature set name with spaces and other characters i get a failure. For example, to try and list "OWA Signatures" we get the following message:
curl -sk -u admin:git3Rdone -H "Content-Type: application/json" "
gmt/tm/asm/signature-sets/?\$filter=name+eq+OWA Signatures&\$select=signatureReferences" | jq -r '.items[]'
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 10