Forum Discussion

Steve_M__153836's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 30, 2014

Move Floating IP to /common partition

Hello. I've inherited a pair of HA devices where all self/floating IPs, save one floating IP, have been created in the /common partition. It isn't absolutely necessary, but my OCD keeps eating at me ...
  • Ryan_80361's avatar
    Jul 31, 2014

    I just tested the move on one of my test VE's running 10.2.3

    edit bigip.conf and move your self ip statement eg:

    self {
    unit 1
    floating enable
    vlan SOME-VLAN
    allow default


    shell write partition MyPartition

    to the Common partition, so insert it under

    shell write partition Common

    and then load the changes

    tmsh load sys config

    make sure you backup before doing this though 😛