Forum Discussion

Alex_McShane_23's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 20, 2017

Monitor to check for existence of File on pool members (SMB?)

Hi -


I would be grateful for some guidance on the following in relation to BIG-IP version 11.4.1 HF7.


The requirements is to create a monitor that checks for the existence of a File on two members.


If the File exists, traffic is routed to one or both members.


Investigation thus far suggests that the appropriate monitor is type "SMB"?


Further, the in-built SMB monitor appears to be sufficient? (as opposed to coding an external monitor).


However, I am unsure on how to specify some of the input parameters on the LTM SMB monitor GUI panel


•User Name & Password: In this case, I don’t think this is required.


Instead, I think that the BIG-IP Self-IP addresses require access to the folder on the end application servers


•The full Path / Filename: This will be of the form: /D$/LoadBalancing/Queryable.txt ; where “D&” represents the “D” drive on the application server


I am confused on what to input into the following two fields:- SMB/CIFS Server and Service Name.


I have the IP address of the two application nodes.


Do I specify these in SMB/CIFS Server or Service Name ?


If the IP address is specified SMB/CIFS Server, what should be specified within Service Name?


Much appreciated


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