Forum Discussion
May 02, 2011Nimbostratus
Mobile redirect with forced SSL
Hi guys,
I am faced with dual puzzle for site demending dual function redirect causing some issses.
I need to provide detection process from site provide mobile type v...
May 25, 2011Nimbostratus
Thanks for your help Aaron,
We have flexibilty here around building what is considered a requirement. Dev team can certainly help.
As all traffic terminates on main site vip and present irule listed below detects user agent, mobi devices are detected it get redirected to mobile vip. Once they land on mobile vip they get forced into SSL. If user wants to get back to full site based on display capabilities or preference, they select redirect link/button placed on mobile site. Very manual process we can say. We basically can code anything we need on that link or opt button.
Now it is url.
I was wondering if sensing on that string for instance may help sticking the user's device to the main site vip. Then, how do we stop the process of redirection mechanism which is already part of the script. That would be probably working cool on the initial return of the device from a mobile site but I would this will work with every other request sourcing from that same mobi device? That usefull uri or cookie is not presented any longer with repeated requests and if so condition exists than irule would probably fail to retain that session and redirect again causing the loop effect. I am guessing here mostly. It would probably have to be initial check for parameter being used to prevent redirect of mobi devices onto mobile vip/site. I was wandering if there is a way of allowing the device detection to get redirected to mobil site vip only once for simplicity.
For additional simplicity I would recommend to customer to add simple link/button on main web page to choose manual redirection. Just wondering. Cookie sounds good I guess and it can be added to opt out button too. What would be a method you apply in such case and how do you add it to existing irule to take action before the detection of user-agent begins?
Your thougths are really appreciated.
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