Forum Discussion

Soap_111722's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 10, 2013

Migrations and Floating IP's

I have been going through a migration from an older HA pair running 9.x to a new pair running the latest version of 11.x. Everything has been going really well until today when I was trying to troubleshoot an issue with some systems we had migrated. I should have started by mentioning that I was not the person that originally setup the old environment and am really learning a ton as I go through this migration. That being said, I realized that the old system's floating IP's for the 'private' networks (DMZ and internal) were being used by all the hosts that had been behind it as the default gateway. I never realized this I guess because the IP's where x.x.x.1 which typically is always our default gateways for all of our subnets. So far I have not had any issues at all when migrating systems over to the new HA pair but I will note that I usually always use 'automap' on the VIP's where I never had done that on the old system. I know this should have jumped out at me right away but it didn't. So finally to my question. What is going to be the best way to move those floating IP's over to the new system? I am assuming that once I migrate the last few systems over and power that old HA pair down I will run into problems if I don't move those x.x.x.1 addresses since all of my hosts currently have that setup as the default gaetway and traffic is routing through that older HA pair? Can I move it over now and have that address on both systems or will that cause an issue? (multiple floating IP's for the same subnet) I know I am rambling here but am hoping this makes sense and I can get someone to point me in the right direction. Thank you.



Note: The issues I was troubleshooting when I figured this out was a communication issues between systems behind the F5 and some workstations. I changed the DG on the 2 systems behind the new load balancers to the floating IP of the new system and while it fixes the issue it cause a new issues where I was unable to resolve DNS.