Forum Discussion

prole92_221949's avatar
Mar 17, 2016

Meaning of manualVirtualServers property on mgmt/tm/asm/policies endpoint

Hi guys,


I'm looking for a way to track policy configuration changes. While going through properties that are available on mgmt/tm/asm/policies iControl REST API endpoint I have found the following property manualVirtualServers. Can somebody tell me what is the meaning of this property. At first I thought that this property contains all virtual servers that ASM policy is manually assigned to (not from the policy builder), but this doesn't seem to be the case.


Any information about this property would be appreciated. I would like to know if it's important to track it's changes.


Thanks in advance


  • manualVirtualServers holds the name of the virtual server to which you manually assign the LTM policy

    Local Traffic  &8250;&8250;  Virtual Servers : Virtual Server List  &8250;&8250;  [virtual server name]
        under Resource Management, select the LTM policy which will hold the [virtual server name], 
        and move it to Enabled column and Finish
  • Richard_Karon_7's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    manualVirtualServers holds the name of the virtual server to which you manually assign the LTM policy

    Local Traffic  &8250;&8250;  Virtual Servers : Virtual Server List  &8250;&8250;  [virtual server name]
        under Resource Management, select the LTM policy which will hold the [virtual server name], 
        and move it to Enabled column and Finish
    • prole92_221949's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Hi, thanks for your explanation. However, I was not able to make the endpoint return any manualVirtualServers. I'm running version 11.6.0. Is it possible that this property is not properly filled in this version?
    • prole92_221949's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      OK, I have tried this on version 12.0.0 as well and it doesn't work. I guess I'll just leave it out. Thanks for your help tho.
    • prole92_221949's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      OK, I accidentally checked the endpoint again and the servers that I have added as you have instructed appeared in the manualVirtualServers field of the JSON response. I guess they don't update straight away. I suppose there is some kind of job in the background that updates this field, or something like that. Thanks for your help!
  • manualVirtualServers holds the name of the virtual server to which you manually assign the LTM policy

    Local Traffic  &8250;&8250;  Virtual Servers : Virtual Server List  &8250;&8250;  [virtual server name]
        under Resource Management, select the LTM policy which will hold the [virtual server name], 
        and move it to Enabled column and Finish
    • prole92_221949's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Hi, thanks for your explanation. However, I was not able to make the endpoint return any manualVirtualServers. I'm running version 11.6.0. Is it possible that this property is not properly filled in this version?
    • prole92_221949's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      OK, I have tried this on version 12.0.0 as well and it doesn't work. I guess I'll just leave it out. Thanks for your help tho.
    • prole92_221949's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      OK, I accidentally checked the endpoint again and the servers that I have added as you have instructed appeared in the manualVirtualServers field of the JSON response. I guess they don't update straight away. I suppose there is some kind of job in the background that updates this field, or something like that. Thanks for your help!