Forum Discussion

  • Colin_Walker_12's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    The matchclass function should return the value of the record selected from the class by default. If you then log or otherwise display this value, you should see what's selected with each iterration of the command.



  • Hi,



    If I set a variable with the matchclass the variable contains the index into the Data Group. Is there a way to get the entry in the Data Group? Or did I not understand your response.






    class color {






    white }



    set test [matchclass [HTTP::uri] contains $::color]





    The result I get is:


    test = 2



    What I want is:


    test = red







  • Data groups can be treated by TCL lists. To extract a item from a TCL list by index, you can use the lindex command.

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      set idx [matchclass [HTTP::uri] contains $::color]
      if { -1 != $idx } {
        set val [lindex $::color [expr $idx - 1]]
        log local0. "Found match index = $idx; value = $val"
      } else {
        log local0. "Didn't find a match"

    Keep in mind that the matchclass returns a index based at 1 while the lindex command expects a 0 based index. So, you'll have to throw in a [expr $found -1] to decrement to account for this.

  • Hi,



    Using your example I came of with this code:



    set m_i [matchclass [HTTP::uri] contains $::t_i]


    if { $m_i > 0 } {


    set r_i [lindex $::t_i [expr $m_i - 1]]



    It works fine on 9.1.1 with some hotfixes on a LTM 1500 and 3400.


    It fails on a 6400 with 9.1.1 base (no hotfixes).



    I get a TCL runtime error:



    list element in braces followed by "" instead of space



    Any suggestions?




  • That most likely was a bug that was fixed in one of your hotfixes. I'm not aware of that issue but there are a few things you could try. I'd try to break apart your rule into smaller elements and see if that makes a difference.

    set m_i [matchclass [HTTP::uri] contains $::t_i]
    if { $m_i > 0 } {
      set new_index [expr $m_i - 1]
      set r_i [lindex $::t_i $new_index]

    If that doesn't work, then you'll more than likely need to upgrade your base 9.1.1.

  • unRuleY_95363's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Accessing a class/datagroup as a Tcl list was definitely broken (with your observed behavior) in 9.1.1 and requires a hotfix.