Forum Discussion
Apr 04, 2012Nimbostratus
Management.KeyCertificate.pkcs12_import_from_file() File Location?
Hello, When using Management.KeyCertificate.pkcs12_import_from_file() Im having trouble figuring out where to place the files. The wiki says /config/ssl/ is used if no directory is specified however no matter what I put in I get an error saying file does not exist. If I add a local directory it tells me it cannot have the ":" (Im using c in windows). Any one have some suggestions?
- hoolioCirrostratusHi Philip,
- Philip_LNimbostratusThats what I thought. However when I use a local file say c:\ssl\cert.pfx if fails telling me the following:
- hoolioCirrostratusCan you try one of these:
- Philip_LNimbostratusTried
NetworkCredential creds = new NetworkCredential(); creds.UserName = username; creds.Password = password; String[] ids = new string[24]; ids[0] = "test"; String[] file_names = new string[100]; file_names[0] = "C:\\SSLInfo\\Certs\\chut.pfx"; String[] passwords = new string[24]; passwords[0] = "pass"; Management.KeyCertificate.iControl.ManagementKeyCertificate iControl = new Management.KeyCertificate.iControl.ManagementKeyCertificate(); iControl.Url = "https://bigip/iControl/iControlPortal.cgi"; iControl.Credentials = creds; iControl.pkcs12_import_from_file(Management.KeyCertificate.iControl.ManagementKeyCertificateManagementModeType.MANAGEMENT_MODE_WEBSERVER, ids, file_names, passwords, false);
- hoolioCirrostratusPer this post, it should be with a forward slash instead of one or more backslashes:
- Philip_LNimbostratusPer that post and your reccomendation I tried that (see begining of my last post) and it failed with:
NetworkCredential creds = new NetworkCredential(); creds.UserName = "username"; creds.Password = "password"; String[] ids = new string[24]; ids[0] = "test"; String[] file_names = new string[100]; file_names[0] = "C:/SSLInfo/Certs/chut.pfx"; String[] passwords = new string[24]; passwords[0] = "pass"; Management.KeyCertificate.iControl.ManagementKeyCertificate iControl = new Management.KeyCertificate.iControl.ManagementKeyCertificate(); iControl.Url = "https://bigip/iControl/iControlPortal.cgi"; iControl.Credentials = creds; iControl.pkcs12_import_from_file(Management.KeyCertificate.iControl.ManagementKeyCertificateManagementModeType.MANAGEMENT_MODE_WEBSERVER, ids, file_names, passwords, false);
- Philip_LNimbostratusI switched the string to /tmp/chut.pfx and uploaded the cert to the ltm and the script completed. However, nothing showed up so it looks like the script completed without error but did not actually do anything.
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