Forum Discussion

tom_swigg_12198's avatar
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Nov 21, 2013

Maintenace page for a subnet

I have a need to create a maintenance/apology page for a data centre shutdown. Supposing everything is on subnet how would I set up a redirect to an external web site ? I know I could use an irule for the redirect something like


when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::redirect "" }


But what kind of server would I set up to apply the iRule to? If a Standard one would it need a pool to work.


The examples of iRules dont make it clear, what server config is needed even for a maintenance of one service. Sorry but I'm being dumb I know.


2 Replies

  • Hi Stefan Ok we run virtual servers on say 2 subnets and it is just those that will be down so the requirement is to catch all traffic to servers on these subnets and redirect to an offsite apology/maintenance page.


    I would like to be able to test this prior to the day by setting it up for,say, thereby redirecting and to the apology (assuming I've got the mask right)


  • Hi Tom,


    if you are using an iRule with a default redirect for ALL requests, then you don't need to specify a default pool. And to be able to use iRules with a redirect you need a Standard VS with a http-profile assigned.


    But I didn't understand your subnet-question. And if the whole data center is down, I would expect, that your BIG-IP is also not available anymore.


    Can you explain this in more detail?


    Ciao Stefan :)