Forum Discussion

RobertWebb_7911's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 22, 2015

LTM Rewrite Profile for URI Translation

Anyone having success with this? I tried setting this up and cannot get it to work.


My setup is a LTM VS with an APM policy applied. I created the rewrite profile from the LTM section and setup a URI/Server combination like:


/SO_SO_IN -->


I have an iRule setup for logging only and have events in to follow through the process. One of the events I have is the REWRITE_REQUEST_DONE and I never see it get triggered and the outgoing URL to the pool has the same host and uri in it.


I am using this URL to get the image for the LTM/APM flow:


Any thoughts for iRule logging to see if the rewrite profile is even being evaluated? I have set the APM log to debug and it looks like once it passes the ACL validation it passes straight back into the LTM.


I have learned more about the F5 this week than I ever thought I would trying to figure this out and an issue with the LTM handing off to the APM when dealing with HTTP POST larger than around 64k.


  • When you set up your rewrite profile, are you using

    URI Translation
    Portal (Access)
    ? And do you have anything in the
    Rewrite List
    Bypass List

  • Michael J,


    This is strictly URI Translation and not Portal (Access) so the bypass list and rewrite list do not apply. So maybe the REWRITE_RESPONSE_DONE doesn't apply here. There is so very little info that I can find on rewrite profiles that I cannot quite figure out what to look for.


  • Also to add,


    My rewrite profile is setup with:


    Request Settings: Rewrite Headers, Insert X-Forwarded-For Response Settings: Rewrite Headers


    Of course a list of URI rules in the form of the example in my original post


    No Set-Cookie Rules


    • Michael_Jenkins's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
      Not sure why it wouldn't be working, but one thing to check is whether the response page is sending back absolute urls or relative urls in the page. I wonder if maybe it can't rewrite urls because it doesn't see what it's looking for.
    • RobertWebb_7911's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      So I just wanted to follow up. The rewrites are setup for external users to hit a specific URI in order to be able to send post data to a backend server. I have come to realize that they are send the URI in the format of /URI and not /URI/. This appears to be causing the Big-IP to not make the match. So now to find out how to test for and add the trailing / if it is not in the original request.
    • RobertWebb_7911's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Another issue... In my original post I state that the rewritten URI is supposed to be /my/new/uri/is/this. However, now that I have figured out the / issue on the inbound URI, I am seeing the outbound URI written as /my/ only. Not /my/new/uri/is/this.
  • anyone has information about this issue (need a trailing / for the match)? Any bugid maybe? Same issue with v11.6 HF4