Forum Discussion

RiverFish's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Oct 16, 2013

LTM Network Map: Show port number when hovering over

I am a huge fan of the LTM Network Map view. I love the way it lays everything out (VS, pool, members:port, iRules, etc.). However, there is one thing that is missing. When you hover over the VS name it does not list the port. It lists the destination address and partition, but not the port. Hiss. Does anyone know why? Is there a reason? I know you can include the port in the VS name, but that is not how my current company did/does their naming convention. Is there a place where I can recommend this (feed back)?


  • From F5 Support:


    I have received confirmation that your suggestion has been accecpted as a possible future product enhancement. It is being tracked as:


    ID 434564 - [RFE] Display tcp port when mouse-over virtual server name


    As we release new software versions and hotfixes, we list the IDs that are implemented in that release. The ID listed above will be used to identify your change when implemented.


  • You could always try and log a Request for Enhancement (RFE) via F5 support or your F5/reseller sales representative..