Forum Discussion

Syberon's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 27, 2017

LTM BGP announce virtual server IP from active and standby vCMP guest.


we are trying to setup an active/standby routed setup. For this, we are using BGP.

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BGP is configured between F5-1 and SW-1, and F5-2 and SW-2. connection between SW-1 and SW-2 is l2.

Everything is configured, however, the virtual server IP addresses are only announced by the active Guest.

config on both devices:

ip prefix-list VS-pl seq 10 permit /31 ge 32
route-map export_to_bgp_v4 permit 10
 match ip address prefix-list VS-pl
router bgp 
 redistribute kernel
 redistribute static
 neighbor  route-map export_to_bgp_v4 out

on the standby, the statement is:

neighbor  route-map export_to_bgp_v4 out

I would like both vCMP guests to announce the subnet, so I can use local pref to define the preferred path in my routing table. (eg: if the active is announcing the subnet, use this. otherwise, there is an immediate alternative available; the standby)

when I do a

sh ip bgp neighbors  advertised-routes
on the active Guest (F5-1), I see the F5 announcing the subnet.

When I issue the same command on the standby (F5-2), I don't see the subnet of my virtual servers. This is due to the fact that my standby (F5-2), does not have this in it's kernel routing table.

Am I doing something wrong here?

The reason why I ask is that I don't want 4 bgp sessions, just the square and now, when a failover happens, I have downtime, as the standby has to announce the virtual server IPs to it's neigbour.

Thanks in advance for any help!

With kind regards Sybren

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