Forum Discussion

zarev_316815's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 22, 2017

Looping on f5 virtual ip other than window os.

hi seniors,


have you guys eva encounter traceroute from f5 virtual ip where it keep looping switch gateway ip endlessly,below are the comparison i do for both os windows and linux.


as examples virtual ip


At window when i try to tracert ip virtual f5 as above ip it reach to it destination f5 ip but at linux when i try to traceroute the f5 virtual ip, after reach to destination f5 ip it continue looping at gateway switch and non stop. i have try several virtual ip and still end-up same. is this normal as the way it is?


  • Have you tried using -I option to force it to use ICMP ? by default linux uses UDP for traceroute


  • Have you tried using -I option to force it to use ICMP ? by default linux uses UDP for traceroute