Forum Discussion
Loop in redirect
I tried to redirect to using n Irule. I keep getting on the browser " Too many redirect"
your config might mismatched "start_with" and "equals" logic.
i suggest use the gui based local traffic policy instead of irules to ease configuration while having better performance.
In the case that you want to stick with the iRule and not use a Local Traffic Policy, then you can paste the iRule here and we can take a look at it to see if we can pinpoint the issue.
FAJUMO Without seeing the iRule that you have configured or knowing if you have a pool associated to the virtual server, the following iRule might work but I would definitely provide your iRule configuration and virtual server configuration so we can make sure that this iRule I provided will work for you.
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED priority 500 { set DEFAULT_POOL [LB::server pool] } when HTTP_REQUEST priority 500 { set HOST [HTTP::host] if { ${HOST} eq ""} { HTTP::redirect "" } else { pool ${DEFAULT_POOL} } }
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