Forum Discussion

mplaksin0's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Jul 20, 2023

Logging all AFM Rules

Hello, I have multiple AFM rules, more than 300 distributed in multiple "rule-lists". Some have the "logging" option enabled and others do not.
I need to enable the "logging" option for all partition rules, is there a method for this? Or some script?
Thank you

  • Yes.  The enablement of logging on the different firewall rules, will probably need to be scripted.  

    HSL (high speed logging), is just a destionation to send those logs.  That is configured in the security logging profile under the "Publisher".

  • Hi Ben, how are you?
    Thanks for the reply.
    I'm not sure I understand. If I enable high speed logging, do I still have to generate scripts to enable logging on all rules?

    • Ben_Novak's avatar
      Icon for Employee rankEmployee

      Yes.  The enablement of logging on the different firewall rules, will probably need to be scripted.  

      HSL (high speed logging), is just a destionation to send those logs.  That is configured in the security logging profile under the "Publisher".

  • I suggest extreme caution when looking to enable logging for every firewall rule in AFM.  Depending on load, it could use considerable resources.

    Also consider configuring High Speed Logging (HSL) to send logs directly to a SIEM.  This will offload the local disk writes of regular logging.

    K15368: The BIG-IP AFM system logs network firewall events using the logging profile associated with the network firewall rule.

    This article also has a ton of good information:  K13723376: Troubleshooting | BIG-IP AFM operations guide;

    To answer your original question, a script is probably your best approach. I would look for a TMSH command to modify an AFM rule to enable logging.  Then, depending on your skillset, it could be as simple as listing all the AFM rules in text document or spreadsheet and wrapping that list in that command.  Then you can apply it through the CLI, probably 20 at a time, or apply it all as a batch transaction.

    This could also be done via iControlREST but the cli is probably the quickest.