Sep 01, 2021Nimbostratus
log for iRules:Data Group List
- Our exchange users connects to server through F5 Vitual server.
- I have a data group list which has 172 IPs.
- we have irule as follows
- I want to enable an log file to find out which IPs are still connecting to exchange server. please help me as I am very new to F5
- irule attached to virtual server
set accepted_snat ""
if { [ class exists smtp_relay_allowed ] }
if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals smtp_relay_allowed] }
snat $accepted_snat
} else {
snat automap
log local0. "IP not allowed to relay: [IP::client_addr]"
} else {
snat automap
#log local0. "IP not allowed to relay: [IP::client_addr]"