Link Controller Load Balancing to ISPs (OutBound Load Balancing)
From the LC configuration
Guide i can see :
1-The Link Controller system supports
the following static load balancing modes:
• Drop Packet• Fallback IP•
Global Availability• Ratio• Round Robin• Static Persist• Topology
2-The Link Controller system
supports the following dynamic load balancing modes:
• Connection Rate• Completion
Rate• Hops• Kilobytes/Second• Least Connections• Packet Rate• Round Trip Times
(RTT)• Quality of Service (QOS) • VS Capacity
The above methods is mentioned under chapter called
inbound load balancing , also it is configured on the Wide-IP level ( not on
Pool level ) , does this mean that it cannot help for outbound load balancing (
users surfing the internet from behind the F5 , Vs= is
configured with 2 pool members as my 2 ISP routers) ?
Now we are very concerned with
outbound load balancing ( users surfing the internet from behind the F5 ,
Vs= is configured with 2 pool members as my 2 ISP routers) ……. From LC
GUI I found 2 options :
On Pool ( Ratio , observed , least connections ,
Fastest , predictive ) ….This options can make sense with LTM device as the
pool member is a server for which LTM can get the above data about it
, but with LC does it make sense with outbound load balancing , if I
applied least connections for example will LC forward to ISP with the least
connections ?
On Link level , there is an option called “Weighting “ ,
it has 2 possibilities in a drop down menu : Ratio & price ( price is
dynamic Ratio which take into consideration the Link price increase per usage )
……….. shall I use this or use option1 mentioned previously or I can use both
for outbound load balancing ?