Forum Discussion
Jan 10, 2012Link controller Link Monitoring and Reporting
I have a LC and i was wondering how to get the bandwidth utilization, ip addresses(external and internal),http sites.... on each link that LC uses and if there is a report tool.
I am new to LC and although i am struggeling with the configuration i was not able to locate a document to monitor/report the links that shows utilization, ip address, and staff
Thank you Regards,
- SSHSSH_97332
The same here , please help - George_33482
anyone? - SSHSSH_97332
Hi - Techgeeeg
Which version of TMOS are you currently running on your F5-LC units???? if you are using version 10.x.x or later you may get alot in terms of report if you are still using the version earlier than this you will not have a very comprehensie reporting. Also what you will get in terms of reporting is the total utilization of the link. As your users dont directly go out so you will not get the reporting on per IP bases which you may be expecting out of it. If you still have a F5 support for this box I will prefer you drop them an e-mail and they will let you know what reporting you may receive out of all. - Techgeeeg
Which version of TMOS are you currently running on your F5-LC units???? if you are using version 10.x.x or later you may get alot in terms of report if you are still using the version earlier than this you will not have a very comprehensie reporting. Also what you will get in terms of reporting is the total utilization of the link. As your users dont directly go out so you will not get the reporting on per IP bases which you may be expecting out of it. If you still have a F5 support for this box I will prefer you drop them an e-mail and they will let you know what reporting you may receive out of all you are expecting - Jay_Shankar_Sin
Hi, I am also facing same problem i.e how to get bandwidth utilization on each link at Link Controller and set alert on them.....please help in this.... and i am using F5 LTM 1600 box with TMOS 11.1 version... - Techgeeeg
Hi Jay, - Jay_Shankar_Sin
Hi, - sercacor
Hi Jay,
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