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Nov 10, 2016

ISE - F5 Group based authentication - Access Control Issue

Hi I use to have local authentication on all BIG IP devices and now I have changed it TACACS authentication. I have created two group in ISE one is for Admin users and second is for Guest users.


When I changed to tacacs authentication I selected user role as administrator in "External Users" section, so now whenever I log in I log in as an administrator.


I configured "Remote Role groups" and there I have created a role for Guest user, so that whenever I login via Guest credential I should login as a Guest user, but after configuring it, I am still logging in as an administrator. Here how I have configured the Guest user role:


Group Name: Guest-Users (Same as in ISE) Line Order: 1 Attribute String: F5-LTM-User-Info-1=Guest-Users (I am not sure if it is correct) Remote access: Enabled Assigned Role: Guest Partition access: All Terminal Access: Disabled


In User Authentication, the config are as follows


User Directory: Remote - TACACS+ Servers: 10.x.x.x Encryption: Enabled Service name: ppp Protocol name: ip Authentication: Authenticate to the first server Accounting informantion: Send to first available server Debug: Disabled


External user: Administrator Terminal : tmsh


I am currently user version 11.6.0


Please let me for any other info and what I am doing is not correct ?




  • I know it is old... The 'External user: Administrator Terminal : tmsh' setting is used for the default external users, so if the role and terminal access attribute is not pushed by the TACACS server, it will assume this role per user not sending additional attributes.