Forum Discussion

Gordon_Johnston's avatar
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Oct 13, 2005

iRules and rate shaping

Is it possible to query the current data rate (bps) through a virtual server, or to a pool or node using an iRule?



The reason I ask is this. We're trying to configure a setup where we have 2 virtual servers, A and B. They both share the same upstream bandwidth but A is more important than B. We would like to apply rate shaping like this:



A - Can use all but 10 Mbs of the available bandwidth.


B - Is guarenteed 10Mbs but can use any available bandwidth that A is not using.



I have tried to implement this using the standard rate shaping functionality by putting A as B's parent class. However when B is under load it will take bandwidth from A regardless of whether A is using it or not.



If it is possible to query current rates through a VS it should be possible to apply some rules to change the applied rate shapes dynamically and thus achieve what I'm after.



Any thooughts or should I be looking at doing this a different way?
  • According to this link Rate shaping is an add-on module:



    I'm not sure how to use it, as I don't think I am licensed for it.



  • Sorry I should have mentioned, we have the rate shape module licensed. I just don't seem to be able to use it's default functionality to achieve what we want.



    Somehow I need to apply a rate shape to a virtual server dependant on the usage of a different rate shape by antoher vs. Using parenting doesn't seem to be appropriate to achieve this.
  • Gordon,



    The module should be able to do what you want, without needing an iRule. Please open a case with support. They can verify that a) it is configured correctly, and b) it is working as advertised.



    I'd love it if you can post your findings back to this thread.




