Forum Discussion
Sep 09, 2011iRules amatuer What does this iRule do?
Hello all,
I do not have much experience with iRules, and I am hoping some here can give me an idea what this iRule is doing:
if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/onlineserv/HB" ||
[HTTP::uri] starts_with "/beta/HB" ||
[HTTP::uri] starts_with "/preprod/HB" }
Lookup the host based on the HTTP host header
log local0. "host = '[HTTP::host]'"
set ibHost [class lookup [HTTP::host] $::USP_IB_REDIRECT_DG]
if { $ibHost != "" }
log local0. "ibHost found: '$ibHost'"
node $ibHost
log local0. "ibHost not found"
HTTP::respond 404
SSL::disable serverside
Thank you.
- nitass
above URI list i.e. /onlineserv/HB, /beta/HB, /preprod/HB will be sent to specific HTTPS server (node) which is defined in USP_IB_REDIRECT_DG data group (class). - hoolio
You'll need to remove the $:: prefix from the datagroup name reference in the iRule: - hoolio
Here's an updated version which uses a switch statement to check the URI and corrects the datagroup reference:when HTTP_REQUEST { switch -glob [HTTP::uri] { "/onlineserv/HB" - "/beta/HB*" - "/preprod/HB*" { Lookup the host based on the HTTP host header log local0. "host = '[HTTP::host]'" Check if the host header exists and isn't an IP if {[string match -nocase {*[a-z]*} [HTTP::host]]}{ set ibHost [class lookup [HTTP::host] USP_IB_REDIRECT_DG] if { $ibHost != "" } { log local0. "ibHost found: '$ibHost'" node $ibHost } else { log local0. "ibHost not found" HTTP::respond 404 } } else { SSL::disable serverside } } default { Default action is to use the VS default pool for non-matching URIs } } }
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