Mar 26, 2012Nimbostratus
irule too long
Greetings all. 9.4.X irule issue. We seem to have hit the character limit (KB SOL9204). Our irule looks like this:
if {[HTTP::uri] starts_with "/test"} {pool pTest}
elseif {[HTTP::host] == ""} {pool pClienta}
elseif {[HTTP::host] == ""} {pool pClientb}
and it continues with a new "elseif" statement for each client. We have been able to free some space by removing a couple redundant or unnecessary lines, and that helps for the next week or so, but we need a long-term solution. I hope to avoid creating another virtual server. I have seen you can assign multiple irules to a virtual server, but I have not yet been successful in testing to get it to work. In a situation like the irule above, is it possible to have multiple irules? How would you make it work? Thanks in advance for any advice.