Forum Discussion
iRule to remove any first two segments from the URI
Hi there,
I'm trying to have an iRule to remove the first two URI segment, whatever there values are.
original request
modified request
where as /path/to/ is changable.
any ideas.
- xuwen
when HTTP_REQUEST { set uri [HTTP::uri] set skip_path_length [expr { 1 + [string length [lrange [split $uri "/"] 1 2]] }] HTTP::uri "[string range [HTTP::uri] $skip_path_length end]" }
when HTTP_REQUEST { set uri [HTTP::uri] HTTP::uri "/[join [lrange [split $uri "/"] 3 end] "/"]" }
tcl test example:
(bin) 79 % set uri /path/to/file.xhtml
(bin) 80 % string range $uri [expr { 1 + [string length [lrange [split $uri "/"] 1 2]] }] end
(bin) 81 %puts "/[join [lrange [split $uri "/"] 3 end] "/"]"
/file.xhtml - JRahm
hi RoadRunnerA, if xuwen's answer was helpful, would you mind accepting the solution? This helps everyone knowing that a solution was reached for the problem being discussed.
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