Forum Discussion

  • xuwen's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
     set uri [HTTP::uri]
     set skip_path_length [expr { 1 + [string length [lrange [split $uri "/"] 1 2]] }]
     HTTP::uri "[string range [HTTP::uri] $skip_path_length end]"


    when HTTP_REQUEST {
     set uri [HTTP::uri]
     HTTP::uri "/[join [lrange [split $uri "/"] 3 end] "/"]"




    tcl test example:

    (bin) 79 % set uri /path/to/file.xhtml
    (bin) 80 % string range $uri [expr { 1 + [string length [lrange [split $uri "/"] 1 2]] }] end
    (bin) 81 %puts "/[join [lrange [split $uri "/"] 3 end] "/"]"


  • hi RoadRunnerA, if xuwen's answer was helpful, would you mind accepting the solution? This helps everyone knowing that a solution was reached for the problem being discussed.