Forum Discussion

  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus



    Which LTM version are you doing this on? There was a bug with HTTP::path fixed in 10.2.1HF1. If you could use 10.2.1HF1 or higher this would be simpler to do.



  • Colin_Walker_12's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    If you're on v9 or later then you'd need a Client SSL profile to decrypt the SSL, and an iRule that looks something like:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      if { ([HTTP::host] eq "") and ([HTTP::uri] eq "/product/catalog/index.cgi?catalog=3455")} {
        HTTP::redirect "[HTTP::uri]"

    This, of course, is specific to this one host and URI. If you want to do more than that, we can be more generic as well, such as:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      if {[HTTP::host] eq ""} {
        HTTP::redirect "[HTTP::uri]"

    Which would redirect all traffic from one host to the other.
