Forum Discussion

Cypher's avatar
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Dec 27, 2021

iRule TCL: if 'something' in 'list' then, syntax/parser error



I'm really breaking my head here.


Basicly i need to check if an IP is in a list. If it is not, connection is rejected.

With logging commands i was able to determine that the variables are populated correctly.


if { not ($client_ip in $ipwhitelist) } {

This code is not working with error iRULE 9: error: [parse error: PARSE syntax 363 {syntax error in expression " not ($client_ip in $ipwhitelist) ": looking for close parenthesis}][{ not ($client_ip in $ipwhitelist) }]. Is there another way?


Thanks! & Happy holidays!

  • I got it to work. I don't think the F5 tcl supports the 'in' operator. So, instead using a of list, I used a string with the contains operator. End result is the same for me :).

    if { not ($ipwhiteliststring contains $client_ip) } {
  • I got it to work. I don't think the F5 tcl supports the 'in' operator. So, instead using a of list, I used a string with the contains operator. End result is the same for me :).

    if { not ($ipwhiteliststring contains $client_ip) } {