Forum Discussion

genseek_32178's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 12, 2012

iRule syntax




We ve the following iRule configured,



iRule X





if {[IP::addr [ IP::local_addr] equals 10.10.10.x ] } {


snatpool pool1


} elseif {[IP::addr [IP::local_addr] equals 20.10.20.x ] } {


snatpool pool2



Here, the ranges 10.10.10.x and 20.10.20.x refer to source address or destination address?


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    In a clientside context event like CLIENT_ACCEPTED (when the client establishes a connection to the virtual server), [IP::local_addr] returns the client's destination address. If you're not using a network virtual server, the command returns the virtual server's IP address.



  • Thanks for the reply Aaron but my qstn remains unanswered.. I will put it more clearly..



    lets say the above iRule is mapped to a wilcard virtual server as below,



    virtual VS_1


    destination any:any


    mask none


    vlans 2 enable


    profile fastl4lx


    rules X



    Now, if servers from vlan 2 were to initiate outbound connection, in such pkts iRule would look for 10.10.10.x OR 20.10.20.x as the source or destination address to snat the packet with the respective snatpool address in the iRule?




  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    If the client's destination IP address was 10.10.10.x, the iRule would apply a SNAT using snatpool pool1 on the serverside connection. If the client's destination IP address was 20.10.20.x, the iRule would apply a SNAT using snatpool pool2 on the serverside connection. So IP::local_addr in CLIENT_ACCEPTED refers to the client's destination (TMM's local address for the clientside context).



  • Thanks now it clears....but one more...say iRule is modified as below..



    iRule X





    if {[IP::addr [ IP::local_addr] equals ] } { ----> is a VIP


    snatpool pool1


    } elseif {[IP::addr [IP::local_addr] equals 10.10.10.x ] } {


    snatpool pool2


    } else {


    snat none


    pool poolA





    Vlan 2 - 10.10.10.x/24..and same wildcard VS as above..



    virtual VS_1


    destination any:any


    mask none


    vlans 2 enable


    profile fastl4lx


    rules X



    Now, say hosts in VLAN 2 with gwy as F5 float IP in VLAN 2 try accessing the modified iRule would process the source pkts from hosts in VLAN2?


  • Thanks now it clears....but one more...say iRule is modified as below..



    iRule X





    if {[IP::addr [ IP::local_addr] equals ] } { ----> is a VIP


    snatpool pool1


    } elseif {[IP::addr [IP::local_addr] equals 10.10.10.x ] } {


    snatpool pool2


    } else {


    snat none


    pool poolA





    Vlan 2 - 10.10.10.x/24..and same wildcard VS as above..



    virtual VS_1


    destination any:any


    mask none


    vlans 2 enable


    profile fastl4lx


    rules X



    Now, say hosts in VLAN 2 with gwy as F5 float IP in VLAN 2 try accessing the modified iRule would process the source pkts from hosts in VLAN2?


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Regardless of how the virtual server is defined, calling [IP::local_addr] in a clientside context event like CLIENT_ACCEPTED will return the client's destination IP address. See this post for more info:




